Grace Baptist Church of Christ
Sunday School
The goal of the Sunday School departments is to get as many people as possible engaged in comprehensive and systematic Bible Study. Also this is a place where the Bible is taught. You can get a more in depth view of what the scriptures are saying. Sunday School regularly interprets the biblical teachings on worship and provide materials for use in personal worship.
Sunday School takes place every Sunday at 9 a.m.
Educational Resource
2 Timothy 2: 15
15Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
The Education Resource Ministry at Grace Baptist Church of Christ is there to assist people that may need help in areas of their studies. Whether its reading, math or science. The continuously educate people to help them group and become better workers.
Pastor’s Aid
The Pastor’s Aid ministry serves to financially, morally and spiritually assist the pastor in his ministry. This ministry is important to the pastor because it’s their support that relieves his burdens when the job gets tough. In times when the pastor is sick or if he experienced a death in the family, the pastor’s aid ministry often visits him to offer emotional support.
Christian Education
The Christian Education Department of The Grace Baptist Church of Christ is a Ministry that deals with giving the members more knowledge of Christ. Whether it is through Bible Study, Sunday School, or even Vacation Bible School which is set up for the young people every summer. Also every year the Christian Ed plans a retreat to the mountain. There we become closer to God as we move away from the activity of the city. We learn about how to become better disciples and more.
Youth and Young Adult Choir
The Youth and Young Adult Choir ranges in ages from 13-33. The YYAC rehearsals take place every Friday at 7 p.m. All members between the above ages are encouraged to join. You can see The YYAC minister every second and fourth Sunday at our 7:30 a.m and 10:45 a.m morning worship services.
Adult Choir
The Adult Choir Ministers every first, third and fifth Sunday. We encourage every that may want to join to come and be apart of a ministry that blesses people to the gift of song.
Floral Ministry
Each Sunday you will notice the beauty of a floral arrangement in the pulpit. These artful displays of color and proportion are created by The Floral Ministry who desire to show their love for the Lord and honor Him with something beautiful.
We welcome anyone who would like to join in creating this welcoming atmosphere for worshipers.
Audio Ministry
The Audio Ministry is a service ministry to the Pastor, congregation, and sick and shut-ins. Those in this ministry have a passion for using technology as a means of recording and sharing God’s Word. This ministry also has the responsibility of managing the sound system for the various services of the church. Tapes and CD’s of individual sermons and packaged series are available.
Widows and Widowers
The Widows and Widowers Ministry of Grace Baptist Church of Christ provides bereaved spouses with spiritual, emotional and social support as they work through the painful process of grieving and encourages them as they begin a new role in life.
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